
definition of terrace

The term Terrace presents various references according to the context in which it is used.

The most recurrent use of the term is that which refers to the part of the house that is presented in the open air, that is, the habitable exterior extension of a house that is above ground level and that is provided with low walls or railings.

It also turns out to be the usable flat roof of a building.

Although the characteristics may vary, generally, the terraces are much larger than the balconies, they are like one more room but without exterior walls and many of the times they do not even have a ceiling. In terms of the destination that is given to it, it also turns out to be infinitely varied, they can be used as gathering place, entertaining, sunbathing, dining, laundry hanging, among other alternatives.

Secondly, At the request of agriculture, a horizontal surface is called a terrace on land with slopes promoted by human activity, supported by a wall and that is mostly used to carry out agricultural tasks. They generally occur on terrain with steep slopes where horizontal excavation is not possible. This type of construction more than anything finds its reason for being in contexts of high demographic density.

On your side, a marine terrace is a geographical feature that implies a platform that has been exposed to the combination of two phenomena: variation in sea level and tectonic changes along the coast in question.

The way it is presented is as a narrow coastal strip that slopes towards the sea and is covered by marine deposits such as sand, gravel, among others.

Too, to the land that is in front of a cafe, restaurant or bar and whose mission is that customers can be located there to enjoy their meals and drinks in the open air are popularly called terrace. In the summer this street fills with terraces where it is possible to have coffee or drinks.

And in some parts of the world it is recurrent that in informal language people use the word terrace to refer to a person's head; His behavior shows us that Juan is not very well on the terrace.

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