
definition of elder

The term elderly is used to refer to that person who is within the parameters of what is called the elderly or population of elderly people.

Then, among the characteristics that define this type of population are: an age that will range between 65 and 70 years and up, because it is worth noting that as a consequence of the improvements that have been achieved over the years and centuries in terms of quality of life, the age gap is increasingly running, which began with 30 years of age in antiquity and in the Nowadays, as we said, it already exceeds 70, 80, 90 and in some paradigmatic and most enviable cases, 100.

And on the other hand, another issue that characterizes this type of population and that is undoubtedly also taken as a parameter to define them at this stage, is the issue of retirement or withdrawal from work activity for having already crossed the barrier of years stipulated by the state in question and that determines until when a person is considered active and from when it is that then he must receive the economic contribution from the state to live, in retribution, for all the years that the person worked and also contributed for when he reached retirement age to be able to live comfortably.

Although clearly and very unfortunately, in some parts of the world, especially in those less developed, this issue still remains a utopia as a result of the meager and poor contributions that the state pays in terms of pensions to an elderly person.

While, Geriatrics is the scientific discipline that is responsible for studying the aspects related to the prevention, cure and rehabilitation of the most common diseases and problems that affect the elderly and in which we can also find the keys so that the durability and quality of life of the elderly can be further intensified.

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