
definition of epistemology

The gnoseology is the part of the philosophy that deals exclusively with the human knowledge in general. That is to say, gnoseology does not have the knowledge of particular or specific issues such as astronomy or geography, but rather its focus places it on the generality of knowledge, where it comes from and how it impacts people's lives. .

Its name comes from the Greek words gnosis and logos that mean knowledge and the faculty of knowing, respectively, and takes us back to the Ancient Greece, an emblematic geographical place at this point in everything inherent to philosophy and questions of knowledge. Because from the beginning the problems intrinsic to knowledge were a concern and an occupation of Greek philosophy, and of course, of the great Greek philosophers who stood out in those years, such is the case of Plato, from Aristotle, to name some of the most popular, but without exceptions we must mention that all philosophers have dealt with knowledge or gnoseology.

Philosophy basically focused since the most remote times on studying, addressing, elucidating various types of problems and issues that make the life of human beings, existence, reason, communication and obviously knowledge. And then in that constant inquiry about everything, knowledge, has occupied a very stellar place since those initiatory years of science. And when philosophy was systematized, it handed over the parental authority of that question to gnoseology and so it is exclusively dedicated to reflecting on the origin and essence of the act of knowing.

Most like to say that gnoseology is the general theory of knowledge and that as such it is basically intended to reflect the correspondence between the subject who knows and the object that is the object of that act of knowing. As the object to be known is external to the reason of the person, the mind of that individual will take care of forming a concept about it.

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