
definition of fish farming

The pisciculture is the fish farming, the art of repopulating rivers and fish ponds, or failing that, of directing and promoting the reproduction of fish and shellfish.

Fish farming is an activity that from its origins has been closely linked to aquaculture, set of activities, knowledge and cultivation techniques of aquatic plant and animal species; the most remote references date back to 3,500 BC. In ancient China, even more, in the year 1,400 B.C., approx., there were laws that protected against fish thieves.

In the fish farming stations, as it is called, the physical space in which this culture is carried out, the insemination of the fish in question takes place and in them the entire rearing process continues until the product is finished and ready to be marketed.

Benefits one observes with charity

Among the main advantages proposed by fish farming are: the value of fish is reduced, ponds can be built on land that is not suitable for agriculture or livestock, as long as there is enough water, the fish farmer can calculate its production according to the needs, growth and fattening can be controlled, increasing or improving the diet, the species can also be genetically improved, the pond avoids the action of predators and competitors so that natural mortality is minimal and since the cultivation is established and it is known who will be its owner, something that does not happen with the capture in lakes and rivers.


Depending on the objectives, fish farming is classified into: industrial agricultural fish farming (produces fish of commercial and nutritional value), restocking fish farming (deals with reproduction using artificial methods) and ornamental fish farming (It produces beautiful and rare species to adorn fountains and ponds in public parks and private gardens).

Meanwhile, the tropical and subtropical fish farming Freshwater involves the cultivation of tropical and subtropical freshwater fish, either in outdoor culture or in a greenhouse, among the most common of this type are thepacu, pangasius and tilapia, although new species are constantly being incorporated.

Salmon farming, for its part, is dedicated to the production of fish of the family salmonidae; As they are anadromous fish, they must go through freshwater and saltwater stages during the cycle of their lives, they live in saltwater and mate in freshwater.

The farming of cod and salmon

Although we cannot speak of a strict replacement for fishing, one of the most traditional human activities practiced by humans to feed themselves, and also for sporting purposes, we cannot ignore that in some cases fish farming has entered and stomped so hard that replaced the activity of fishing in natural environments. Species like cod have been co-opted by fish farming.

Cod is a fish that is characterized by having a totally or partially ossified composition of its skeleton and in some cases its body covered by scales. It measures between 50 and 1.80 m., With an elongated and soft body, yellowish in color, and with three dorsal fins and two anal fins.

It is highly valued and used at the request of gastronomy and that is why its breeding has developed a lot from this described practice.

There is a huge variety of ways to prepare and eat cod, roasted, in sauce, with oil, with cream, and even with sweet. It is an especially appreciated and common dish in Spain, Portugal, Panama, Mexico and Puerto Rico, among others.

And salmon is another species widely cultivated through fish farming. It also has the same physical characteristics of cod in regards to the conformation of its skeleton. The color of its meat, dull red, is very characteristic and distinctive, and its flavor is appreciated by lovers of sea food.

Among the fish, salmon enjoys a special value and lineage.

The farming and production of salmon in the aforementioned conditions date back to the seventies and Norway, Chile, the United Kingdom and Canada are the countries that lead their production.

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