
definition of participant

The word competitor is widely used in our language to account for that individual or organization that participates in some activity, action, task, among other alternatives.

Individual who participates in an activity, action, game, contest, reality show, in a sports competition

On the other hand, in the field of sport, the word participant turns out to be of frequent use as a consequence that it designates the player or athlete who participates in any sports competition.

Soccer, basketball, tennis teams, among others, participate in international or local competitions, in which they face fellow teams, while the team that takes advantage of the scoreboards will be the winner of the competition or the match, depending on corresponds.

In other contexts in which the word also has a habitual use, it is at the request of the games of chance, and television games, an extremely popular activity within entertainment programs at the time, of the contests, because in this way the individuals who appear to intervene in them are designated, either by playing or competing with the mission of obtaining a reward that the program or contest in question offers.

At present, both television game programs and reality shows are basically nourished by the participation of participants, without them it would be impossible to carry them out.

In reality shows, they particularly have a weight and a very special role, because of their life stories, often very dramatic and strong, is that the interest of the program depends and is based.

And in the case of games and entertainment programs, participants and games are the protagonists because both interact to capture the attention of viewers.

The prizes given to the winners of both formats are usually cheap.

It should be noted that when the participant intervenes in any activity or task, they actually participate.

Participation, therefore, implies the action and consequence of participating.

In other words, those who actively participate in what interests them or in what makes them participate may, with their intervention, modify or propose new alternatives.

Generally when a movement, a society, a group is integrated or action is taken in a certain cause, it will be spoken of participation.

Human beings constantly participate together to achieve goals in various fields

Human beings as social and political beings are constantly establishing links between us and participating in various contexts, while it is important to say and emphasize that when people come together and work together towards a goal, it tends to be more easily realized, As is popularly said, unity is strength, most of the time.

In politics, for example, at the behest of democratic governments, citizen participation turns out to be essential for democracy to remain in force and the authorities to be faithful representatives of the interests of their constituencies.

Thanks to this participation, citizens can express their political opinion, their partisan participation, and can also express their opinions, claims, among others, through various means such as strikes, demonstrations in public places, presenting projects, complaints, and by course through voting when there are elections, there they have the possibility of changing their leaders if they do not agree with the current management.

And in the economic sphere, for example, the participation of a person could imply a contribution that he makes at the request of a commercial enterprise, which is equivalent to the delivery of a sum of money that is what makes him a participant after the profits that are obtained.

The word participant is closely related to other concepts that may be used as synonyms for it and vice versa, such is the case of: component, concurrent, competitor ....

And on the contrary, it is directly opposed to concepts such as abstentionist that implies its opposite, that it does not participate in any proposal.

Participant observation: Observation technique applied in social sciences

For its part, participant observation turns out to be a widely used observational technique at the behest of social Sciences and that it consists of the researcher in question being directly involved with those investigated, participating in their context, their life experiences, in order to be a direct witness of all the reality and daily life carried out by the people on whom they are the investigation is focused.

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