
what is clever »definition and concept

One of the most common uses of this concept indicates that something has already been prepared, finished, completed successfully.

That finished

So when, for example, we finish doing some activity or work: washing the dishes, preparing a meal, finishing a report, among others, we speak in terms of ready.

In other words, the concept in this sense is associated with the end of an activity or task that was carried out, whereas when it is finished it may be evaluated by whoever corresponds, or it will allow the person to undertake another new action or activity, as appropriate. .

Person who is free to make or go

Likewise, when an individual is already in a position to do something or to leave, he is said to be ready. "Ready, here is your food; everything is ready for the celebration; I'm ready, I'll wait for you at the door.”

When someone says that they are ready for something, it means that from that moment on they will be free, available to do what they ask or available.

This sense is used a lot by people when we want to tell someone that we have already bathed, changed, and physically prepared to attend an event.

Some important events demand a special physical arrangement from people, such as putting on makeup, in the case of women, combing their hair, and dressing according to the occasion, and of course, this takes longer than usual.

Smart person

Another very recurrent use of the word is to refer to the intelligence, sagacity, or the ability that a person exhibits in relation to some activity, task or special job.

In other words, this sense is used as a synonym for intelligent.

That clever individual meets certain conditions that make it possible for them to overcome obstacles and complications on the path that they have to retrace to carry out their work or task.

Ability to solve problems

He has an ability to overcome and unblock situations that for anyone else are complex and difficult.

The smart has intelligence, which is the ability to solve problems creatively using resources and tools that produce effective solutions.

One of the most popular methodologies for evaluating and measuring intelligence is through IQ.

A person is subjected to a test that contains a series of questions whose answers will be standardized and will therefore make it possible to measure the degree of intelligence of the person who is subjected to it.

People who exceed the value of 100 are considered to have above-average intelligence.

Now, beyond this measurement that allows us to approximate someone's intelligence, it is important that we mention that someone's ability to solve situations and problems, as we have already said, also influences the determination of this aspect. They can range from everyday questions to scientific problems.

Nowadays the paradigm has changed, and for example, intelligence is associated with what we were saying, the ability that someone has to resolve conflictive situations, to adapt to new contexts easily and quickly.

The other side of the smart or intelligent is the stupid, ignorant, a person who shows little or no ability to develop the mentioned actions, for example solving a problem.

Therefore, what makes someone smart may have to do with the intelligence they present, but it can also be linked to other types of skills that do not have to do with an intellectual level or higher intelligence coefficient.

Juan is very smart for business. Your son is very smart, he will discover that you want to deceive him with that information.”

There are also some popular expressions that contain the term ready and that we usually use frequently in our everyday language, such is the case of: be ready and go over the top.

The first is used when we want to express the assurance that someone's plan will not come to fruition or will fail in its purpose.

And we use the second expression when we want to account for someone who is believed to be more intelligent than another and in reality it is not like that.

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