
movie definition

A film is a work of art made through the succession of images on video and with sound. Cinema, or the art of making films of various kinds, is considered one of the seven arts and is today one of the most popular as it reaches a significant and clearly varied audience. Films have certain general characteristics that, however, may vary from case to case.

The making of a film is in charge of a director, the person with the highest hierarchy when making decisions about the specific elaboration of the work. At the same time, the film has a story expressed in the form of a script. This script is acted by the actors and actresses who embody the characters. Once such work is done, the images are edited. The last step of the whole process has to do with the publicity and promotion of the film before it is shown in cinemas and theaters.

A film is structured based on the sequence of images that are placed one after the other and that, projected continuously, simulate movement. This sequence has to be greater than that of 18 pictograms (or small images) since otherwise the projection sequence would appear to the human eye as a clipped and non-continuous process.

Regardless of the technical issues, a film is always considered a work of art that requires a lot of production effort. While the performance or the direction of the same are always the elements that stand out the most, issues such as costumes, music, photography, creating the appropriate environments, editing, sound, the use of effects are also essential. specials, etc.

Films, once finished, are usually shown in cinemas or theaters attended by large numbers of audiences. This is where the commercial part comes in, since in many cases a film can be considered a good film according to the number of viewers it has. They, as well as the profound phenomenon of merchandising, are what allow large film companies to recoup their investment and spend it in many millions of dollars of profit.

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