
what is elucidating »definition and concept

People make many decisions throughout their lives and many of the habits and skills that develop in adulthood are rooted in the early years of life. When we are adults we must elucidate (solve and manage) more difficult situations. However, in childhood we begin to solve difficulties through school learning.

In fact, the students have fun elucidating in a pedagogical way the solution of a riddle, the word searches, the games of the five differences, the mathematical formulas ... To elucidate means to clarify an issue, to solve it. In short, leave doubts. There are situations that require further reflection, for example, when we live at a crossroads in which we consider more than one alternative, we must take stock of the pros and cons of each option.

Clarify situations

From a professional point of view, a boss has a lot of responsibility in the company to elucidate many important business decisions that also affect the team. Each worker makes decisions according to their own level and daily tasks.

By elucidating a matter, you are able to find adequate solutions to it, therefore, it also improves your emotional quality of life by overcoming the wear and tear caused by frequent doubts (especially when these doubts affect the vital plane). In colloquial terms we could say that it is about seeing a fact clearly.

Finding solutions

From the point of view of knowledge, it is convenient to recognize the great work done by scientists who, thanks to their work, have managed to elucidate major issues that are synonymous with progress. On the other hand, in a trial it is also about clarifying what could have happened in a crime and if the accused is guilty or not. It is about concluding truths.

From the point of view of knowledge, it is also worth highlighting the importance of philosophy as first wisdom, a field of knowledge that shows the reflection of famous thinkers who have elucidated on universal issues that affect the human heart: what is truth, what is the love, the brevity of life, the process of knowledge ...

It is very important to have an active mind and exercise in order to prevent memory loss in old age. Games that allow participants to think about and figure out solutions are especially appropriate.

Photos: iStock - 123ducu / tawatchaiprakobkit

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