
definition of economic resources

Material or immaterial means that facilitate the satisfaction of needs in a production process or in the commercial activity of a company

Resources are means that allow us to satisfy needs or demands, carry out tasks or activities or achieve something in life ... Meanwhile, these resources can be of various types, in the case of those that concern us in this review, economic, consist of those resources of a material or immaterial type that facilitate the satisfaction of needs at the request of a production process or the commercial activity of a company.

Without these resources it will be impossible not only the activity and the conforming development of a company but also the obtaining of economic benefits.

Make a concrete investment, the path to resources

If we really want to have an economic resource, the path will be inevitable: to make a concrete investment. Now, for the company to be profitable and report the aforementioned benefits, that investment that was made must be recovered with the use and exploitation of precisely the investment in question.

Recover the investment

With an example we will see it better ... To start a sweaters manufacturing company we will have to make an initial investment that involves the purchase of knitting machines and also of personnel to handle them and make them "work". Then, these machines will have to be put to work, with the making of the sweaters precisely. As the production begins to be sold effectively, the investment will be recovered and also the much-appreciated profits will begin to be obtained.

When this does not happen for whatever reason, the company will not be profitable because it will not even be possible to recover the investment from the beginning.

Recommendations to achieve a profitable business

Now, there are some basic recommendations when it comes to achieving the long-awaited goal of profitability, especially when starting a business or undertaking, and among them we can mention the following: an adequate advertising campaign in those free media, for example, Internet and some social networks are an excellent window today when it comes to promoting a new brand and doing it at the beginning without expenses, of course.

Another important issue is to market a different product, that is, one that offers the consumer something different with respect to the proposals of direct competition.

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