
language definition

It is known by the term language to any semiotic code of formal structure and that supposes for its use the existence of a context of use and certain principles.

As there are several contexts, this means that there are also different languages. Thus we have human language, animal language and the so-called formal languages. The first is the one that all human beings use to communicate, understand and learn, it is based on linguistic signs. In the case of animals, their language is articulated on a series of sound, olfactory and visual signals that act as linguistic signs in this case and that obviously each keep a referent or meaning. And the last case that we proposed, the formal ones, are those constructions made by human beings to be used in certain disciplines such as mathematics and that share structures with human language, thus allowing them to be understood and analyzed by many signs that it displays. human language.

Obviously, and as can be seen from the distinction set out in the previous paragraph, Human language is a super specialized communication system and that of course exceeds in quantity and quality the others that we mention, then, language, in human terms, is understood as a capacity or faculty that allows us, as we said above, to abstract ourselves, communicate and conceptualize.

Within language, language is distinguished on the one hand and speech on the other. The language or language is also that code that all members of a particular community will share, while speech is the materialization of that code or model that each representative of that community, individually, puts into practice when they must communicate something. You can do it through acts of speech or in writing.

Although of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, in the case of languages ​​or languages, it happens, for example, that in a city like the Italian Milano, Italian is obviously spoken, inasmuch as there are also people who communicate, in addition of the language, with the so-called dialects, Milanese, in the case that concerns us and that sometimes is far from the language itself, because they use some phonic and syntactic features, among others, that are typical of a region.

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