
definition of celebration

The term celebration is a term that is normally used to refer to an event or act by which people celebrate a certain circumstance that can be both present and past. The celebration is one of the clearest and most common forms that human beings have as fun and as recognition of achievements, events or particular situations. It has occurred since time immemorial when primitive man celebrated special moments and can also occur in a myriad of different forms and structures that have a lot to do with the culture and way of thinking of each community or region.

As said, the celebration is a purely cultural act of the human being that no other animal performs. In order to carry out a celebration, it is necessary to be able to make a certain recognition of a fact, an act or circumstance, thus removing its common or natural characteristic to make it something different from the rest. The celebration is a form of celebration or of giving importance to certain events that man has.

Obviously, it is a cultural event since each community or region has its own celebratory events that may not be shared with other communities. Thus, it is common for important days related to, for example, the natural cycles of agriculture, dates of historical achievements, religious festivals, etc. to be celebrated. All these are moments of community celebration in which the importance given to that day is revealed.

However, there are also private celebrations that have to do with the privacy of people, especially families. In this sense, birthdays, graduations, love anniversaries and many others are celebrations that a person enjoys with their family group but not with the entire community since they remain in privacy. Clearly, these private celebrations are also very particular and can vary in forms from case to case.

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