
definition of simulation

Simulation It is an action, a fairly common behavior that we usually encounter in life, and even we ourselves have surely deployed it at the behest of a situation that required it.

Basically the simulation consists of faking something, an emotion, a feeling, or the behavior that an object may have to bring it closer to its real development.

Now, it is important that we emphasize that the concept when applied to refer to the pretense that someone performs in x situation is usually attributed a negative connotation. This is especially the case because almost always whoever simulates something is trying to hide a reality that they do not want to be known, because it implies a crime or because it causes harm to a third party.

Putting it in simpler and more popular terms, simulation implies a lie Most of the time it is deployed by someone to prevent an issue from being known to everyone as it is.

Meanwhile, simulation, as a good typical human behavior, can be found and developed in various settings and situations and be motivated by the most different causes.

A person who does not want to admit that he knows another because he compromises her will pretend not to know her in front of a third party, a soccer player will simulate a fall so that the opposing player is charged and they admonish him and so on ...

On the other hand, totally removed from this negative charge that we just mentioned, simulation is a fairly normal action in the presentations of certain products, services or missions and that has the objective that everyone knows in some way how it really works.

For example, an airline that wants to present the flight to a new destination, can mount a simulation of it for its presentation, that is, certain actions of reality will be imitated, so that those who participate in the event can have a finished idea and almost experimental of what it will be like to fly for that company.

Likewise, it should be noted that this modality of imitation of conditions similar to the real ones is usually used at the request of the investigation of a phenomenon or the creation of a machine, to show or demonstrate how they could work in practice.

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