
definition of androgynous

An androgynous person is designated as a person who, due to his physical appearance, maintains a certain ambiguity regarding his sex, being able to be a man and dress or groom himself as a woman or vice versa. The term androgynous acts as an adjective that is applied to that type of person, the noun is androgyny and it is this phenomenon by which a person voluntarily or involuntarily does not clearly demonstrate whether he is a man or a woman.

Many times androgyny or being androgynous can be understood as a disease. This is so if the situation is generated from biological elements, for example that the woman grows facial hair or does not have a bust. When the causes of androgyny have to do with genetic or biological issues, medicine works to solve them and to provide the person with a better quality of life.

However, androgyny can also be specially and voluntarily sought after by people, that is, a man may want to look like a woman and a woman might want to look like a man. These situations are very typical of our current society in which sexual issues and everything related to appearance has gained a central role in the social environment. Androgyny can be taken to extremes and become almost absurd in some cases, while in others it may have to do more than anything with a question of identity and ideological position in relation to certain social roles and structures.

Thus, many famous people maintain a certain ambiguity about their sex and act or groom themselves to coincide with that ambiguity. Singers like Prince, adolescent idols like Justin Bieber or Leonardo Di Caprio at the time have also developed an androgynous role in society. On the other hand, phenomena such as those of metrosexual men, completely dedicated to their personal care and their aesthetics or appearance are clear examples of what androgyny represents in our current society.

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