
definition of homeless

The word indigent is one that is used to designate a person who is in a particular situation of poverty and misery. We cannot say that the indigent is a type of person, but rather that it would be more appropriate to point out that he is a person like any other who lives in certain conditions of misery and abandonment. It is important to clarify this since indigence or the condition of indigent is not exclusive to a type of person, ethnic group or cultural group but can be a reality that any human being can face depending on certain general external factors.

The indigent is one who leads a lifestyle that, according to what the official bodies stipulate, does not meet the basic needs and rights to be satisfied. This means that an indigent person is a person who does not live under a stable roof, who does not have access to basic services such as health, assistance, education, etc. and that also leads a life based on misery and poverty due to unemployment and a complex system of complications that normally add up such as addictions to different substances, a certain level of social alienation (although this does not always occur), etc.

For specialists, a homeless person is a person who is at a lower level than that which is normally considered poor since the latter, although he does not have the basic rights satisfied, may have access to them in an irregular way (for example , with unstable jobs, trades or different forms of work that do not reach in any way to meet the basic needs of a person). The homeless, on the other hand, is a person who lives in complete abandonment since they do not have a roof or any type of possession or service that allows them to improve their life or get ahead.

Homelessness is a very complex problem that most of the world's societies have to face and this is so because in the face of luxury and the excessive consumption of material goods by the population, a fraction of it is the one that is left out. of the system and must face an unworthy life that is not fair. On the other hand, the indigent are hardly taken into account in registries and inventories by governments, so their situations are rarely solved and, on the contrary, more and more people are falling into this standard of living.

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