
definition of store

The concept of storing is a concept that is used to refer to an act by which some specific object or element is saved in order to be able to later resort to it if necessary. The storage can be of very diverse things or objects, that go from the simplest like food or food to more complex elements, like data in a computer. Although the action is not performed specifically as in other situations, the act of storing can also be given symbolically, for example when it is said that a person stores memories in his brain or in his head.

Storing is a typical human activity since, unlike what happens with animals, it is a complex activity that in most cases is carried out for a specific purpose. Thus, the storage of data for example in our mind, although it is not conscious, happens at a higher level than what happens with animals and this results in us being able to exercise memory and know how to act when we need to find some type of information that we believe we possess. In the case of the storage of information, data, memories and memories that the human being makes with his brain, we must point out that this storage is not so easy to make disappear or keep always as you want, if not that much of what we store depends on our unconscious.

Storing is something that can be done deliberately or not. In this sense, we do not choose what to store in our brain, but we do so when we consciously choose what to store, for example on our computer or at home. These two examples always represent a more or less defined selection of what elements or things the person considers useful at the moment or for the future and that is why he decides to save them instead of discarding them. Storage always means being able to reuse, enjoy or resort to those things if necessary, so it is always advisable to do it in a conscientious and sincere way.

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