
definition of accreditation

The word accreditation designates that certification, through a document, in which it is affirmed that an individual has the capacities and powers necessary to carry out a task that has been entrusted to him or a mission given in a certain place.

For example, when there is a social, political, musical or any other type of event that is of great importance and is popular, it is common for the mass media, such as radio and television, to worry about covering it in all its aspects, meanwhile, normally, the organizers of such events require journalists who send the television networks or radio stations to accredit themselves in order to cover it. The accreditation will enable them to participate and cover each of the instances. Normally, they are given press credentials that journalists must wear hanging on their clothes as an identifying mark for the security of the event.

On the other hand, the word accreditation designates that voluntary process from which an organization measures the quality of the services it provides, or the products it makes, as well as the performance they present. It should be noted that this analysis is normally carried out by expert bodies external to the organization in question. Areas such as health, education and laboratories are usually surveyed to check if they meet the expected standards.

The sine quanom conditions that the accreditation of an organization such as those mentioned above must follow are: complete (Accreditation has to go through each of the levels and areas of the organization because it is useless to do it for one and ignore someone else, since there is always interrelation between the areas of an organization), voluntary (In no way should it be imposed, but it is the organization itself that is interested in the accreditation being carried out in order to work as the most important standards uphold), leave an apprenticeship (Each organization that goes through an accreditation must draw on the conclusions reached after the end of the accreditation in order to improve).

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