
definition of intervene

The term intervene is a term that refers to the action of participating or taking part in some situation, in some matter. The intervention can be very varied depending on each particular case but it always involves some kind of commitment or interest since otherwise we would not be talking about this term but about participation (which may be perhaps much more disinterested). It is common to use the term intervention in fields such as medicine when referring to an operation, or in the field of art when speaking of intervention as a way of altering or producing an artistic work at a given moment.

In general terms, the word intervene as a verb always refers to the action that a person, an entity, an institution, a force or group of people carry out before an event. This intervention has a specific objective and it is not accidental, but it is generally directed to a particular purpose. The intervention is normally voluntary, either as a matter of solidarity or because the person who carries it out has an interest in or responsibility for that act.

Thus, it is common to speak of interventions in many areas. One of them is medicine. Intervention in this sense is when a person must undergo some type of more or less invasive treatment in which those responsible for health must act to solve or improve a condition considered non-optical. This intervention starts from a specific situation.

It is also common to speak of intervention in the field of politics and states. In this sense, political intervention is a prerogative that some States and international organizations have to intervene in certain regions where there are conflicts or problems that may mean a complication or difficulty for well-being and social tranquility. Thus, a State can intervene a province or a region, but cannot do the same with the territory of another country without this being considered an attack. In the case of international territories, organizations such as the UN have the greatest freedom to intervene and mediate in order to find a definitive solution.

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