
definition of efficiency

The efficiency It shows the professionalism of a competent person who fulfills his duty in an assertive way by performing impeccable work. An efficient worker brings peace of mind to any boss who feels they can delegate and trust a job well done. A company is made up of people who add value to a common team. It is enough that one person is not efficient for ordinary work to be clouded by the concrete inefficiency of one person. In today's society, in which there is a high level of competitiveness at a professional level, it is essential to opt for constant training to take courses, attend congresses, participate in social gatherings, read books and thus improve the curriculum constantly thanks to the fulfillment of new goals that are in line with efficiency.

Complete the task in a timely manner

To be truly effective, a person has to be responsible not only in the proper performance of a function but also in complying with the set times. The efficiency It shows the capacity of a human being who through the practice of experience has perfected a technique to the point of being very effective. That is, efficiency is a learning that is acquired by adding theoretical information to practical training.

Organization to respond to objectives

To carry out a task effectively, a person has to be very clear about their objective and comply with an action plan according to that goal. Another value that is added to efficiency is the way of being of a worker. That is to say, a person is still valued more than being efficient is humble, a good partner who helps others, with the ability to excel ... That is, rather than being a good professional any worker has to cultivate to be a good person. Therefore, having a solid personal ethic is essential to be efficient in the work context.

Perfectionism can be a danger

The efficiency It is related to perfection, however, you have to be very careful not to fall into perfectionism that leads people to believe that something is never done or finished enough. To do this, always set a specific deadline in the realization of your goals and fulfill it in an assertive and positive way.

To be effective You also have to ask any question to someone who can solve it and teach you to continue learning. It is impossible to know everything, the true effectiveness lies in having a good disposition to learn what you do not know and to perfect what you already know.

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