
definition of motto

A motto is that phrase that briefly communicates the motivation, intention or conduct of a person, a group, an institution, a country or an organization. It can be expressed in any language, although the most recurrent one turns out to be Latin. By reason or by force, it is the motto of Chile; in Union and Freedom it turns out to be the motto of the Argentine Republic; who laughs last laughs best, turns out to be Maria's motto to conduct herself in life.

In the Franco regime, as the movement that supported the dictatorial regime that developed in Spain between 1936 and 1939 and was led by General Francisco Franco is called, slogans were a propaganda instrument repeatedly used as patriotic shouts since the birth of this movement until its completion in the mid-seventies. One, Big and Free! It turns out to be one of the most characteristic and used slogans of that time.

While, an advertising slogan, popularly known as a slogan, is that memorable phrase that is used in a context, whether commercial or political, with the aim of representing and summarizing an issue in theIn the case of the political, the benefits of a candidate or political proposal and in the commercial sphere, the benefits of a product or service.

In the commercial world, advertising slogans undoubtedly play a fundamental role when it comes to competition. For an advertising slogan to achieve its objective, which is definitely that people buy this or that product, it must respect the following issues: declare to the consumer the benefits of the product, highlight the differences it presents with respect to the competition, concise, direct, blunt, without room for misunderstandings or doubts, ingenious, creative, transmit well-being to the consumer, create a need that is difficult to forget.

On the other hand, a motto is the letter or nickname that is placed in an emblem.

Also, to the password that precedes a composition of literary type when it is presented in a contest in order to discover who its author is once it has been voted, it is designated with the term of motto.

On Linguistics a motto is abstraction from the beam of the reflective features of a word and likewise, the motto is called dictionary or encyclopedia entry.

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