
definition of sink

The sink is an opening or conduit that exists in soils and that allows the drainage of natural water that normally comes from rain or other types of water currents such as rivers or streams. Formally, geology calls them sinkholes, which are quite common geological depressions in the lands that caused the weathering..

It should be noted that sinks are normally formed on surfaces where limestone prevails, gradually eating away at the ground and transforming into a kind of underground cave. The force and the own capacity of the water is the one that generates that the soil wears out and that cave that we talked about is generated.

The physical appearance of the sinks is circular, their depth being quite oscillating and the walls have a pronounced inclination.

Many rivers that pass below the ground feed their flows through the water that circulates through the sinkholes.

Unfortunately, these water pipes are used to dump the waste that human beings generate, clearly affecting the health of the environment very seriously. Because when the sinks are discharged into underground rivers, all the garbage they receive is also transferred to these water flows, spreading the contamination of the water even more.

The issue of environmental pollution is one of the great problems of this century because it clearly and directly affects people's health and also because it generates serious imbalances in ecosystems.

So, one of the main tasks to reverse this situation is to keep the sinks clean, not using them as suitable garbage cans to receive waste. That is not its function far from it.

Another issue that generates malfunctions with drains is the sealing that is often done to build on them. The main and great consequence of this action are floods. When the drain is covered, the natural drainage that they propose is directly affected and then the rainwater that does not find a place to discharge ends up accumulating and the dreaded floods are generated.

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