
definition of agreement

There is a concertation when there is a collaboration agreement between several parties. In this way, if two people reach a pact for some purpose, they are creating a type of bond or agreement. Similarly, two or more organizations have a concert when they agree on some type of relationship, be it of a social, economic or political nature.

What does the idea of ​​concertation imply?

Regardless of who the protagonists of the agreement or pact are, in any agreement there is a shared commitment by each of the integral parts. It must be borne in mind that it is an agreement and, therefore, all the parties involved must actively collaborate.

On the other hand, in this type of alliance there is a mutual gain, since the parties involved manage to look after their own interests.

Looking at examples to explain the term

Agreement can occur in any sphere of society, but normally it occurs between entities with a social nature. Thus, a group of different political parties but with elements in common decide to ally themselves in a collective platform because they understand that this strategy is beneficial for all of them as a whole. In other words, your collaboration agreement obeys a simple reason: the sum of all is more effective than the individual capacity of each group.

In the field of education there is a specific modality, concerted teaching. This concert consists of a pact between two parties: the state administration and some privately owned educational centers. In this way, the administration takes care of the expenses derived from the educational activity (for example, teachers' salaries) and in exchange for this aid the school undertakes a series of obligations (for example, the free teaching).

In short, in the educational concert a series of rights and obligations are established that must be respected by both parties.

In matters related to employment, it is common for business organizations, unions and governments to maintain a permanent dialogue to reach agreements on wages and working conditions. When this happens, we speak of social agreement.

The idea of ​​these forums is obvious: to reach some kind of agreement that allows establishing a general framework for action. In general lines, all social agreement seeks formulas of understanding from which labor relations are fruitful for each of the sectors involved.

Photos: Fotolia - Bitter / Venimo

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