
definition of trigonometry

The trigonometry is another branch of mathematics, which obviously intervenes directly or indirectly in this and that deals exclusively with studying the relationships between angles and sides of triangles. I know It is often used especially when you need to obtain precision measurements. For example, triangulation techniques are used in astronomy to measure the distance between the closest stars, in the measurement of distances between geographical points and for satellite navigation systems, among other issues.

The emergence and study of trigonometry dates back to the ancient city of Babylon, being of special study interest for Indian, Muslim and Greek mathematicians.

Trigonometric functions in ancient times were generally defined as the quotient between two sides of a right triangle with respect to its angles, while today it is common for these to be described as infinite series or as the solution of differential equations that will allow extension to complex numbers and both positive and negative values.

There are six basic trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant..

Although the last four will be defined more than anything in terms of the first two, they can also be defined geometrically or through their relationships.

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