
definition of egocentric

A egocentric It's that one individual who believes that he is the center of the world, and for example, everything he does and says he considers should be the object of attention of the rest of the people. Putting it in simpler terms, the egocentric places his personality in the center of everyone's attention and then everything that happens to him and what he likes and needs will always be above the needs of other people. For the egocentric it is impossible that there is another alternative different from the one he proposes, since everything he says and thinks will be the only valuable thing..

Generally, the egocentric is not at all well seen in society, even more, it is usually rejected by most people, precisely because of that lack of consideration for others and that excessive esteem for himself and everything related to he.

Meanwhile, it is very easy to recognize the egocentric in a community since it will be shown especially selfish, arrogant and with very little understanding and consideration for others.

Now, it is worth noting that although it is acceptable and necessary for a person to value himself in order to be better standing before life and society, it is not right for that self-assessment to reach exacerbated limits, because there it does, when Overconsidering you will somehow lose consideration for your surroundings and end up becoming an unkind and pleasant individual to interact with in society.

Of course, the main affected by the extension of this characteristic in people is the ideal of building a more just and supportive society, although, also, there is another great affected person who is the egocentric himself, because it will cost him a lot to be accepted and also what it will lead to total isolation from your environment that will make you feel very lonely.

The inordinate elevation of the self is known as egocentrism.

The opposite concept of egocentric is that of altruistic, which is that person who is characterized by procuring good to others without asking for anything in exchange for it.

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