
definition of issuer

We understand by issuer to one of the two essential and forming parts of all communicative process together with the receiver. The sender is the one who sends a message in an appropriate code to be adequately received and understood by the receiver, thus shaping the communicative process that can happen in various and infinite ways.

The issuer's task in the communication process is perhaps the most important since it is his responsibility to establish a meaningful code for the issuer, as well as establish the information to be sent and ensure that the transmission of that information is given through the appropriate channels. in order to get the best results. Although this system seems complex, it is what happens at various levels ranging from the simplest to the most complicated, as long as some type of information or data is communicated.

In this communication process, one of the most important elements to establish is the language, since for the message to be properly understood and received, the sender must worry about making it understandable to the receiver. It is relevant to note that when we speak of language we are talking about numerous communicative supports in addition to what a spoken language can be: gestures, body movements, signs and other elements are also languages ​​of voluntary and involuntary communication. At the same time, the message can be sent by the sender orally, in writing or virtually depending on the situation.

Different subjects and entities can occupy the role of issuer. Normally, the term is applied to human individuals, but there is no doubt that an animal can perfectly become a sender of a message. Institutions and even phenomena of different kinds can establish different types of messages with the human being, for which the sender is not always exclusively human.

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