
definition of significance

The term significance has several meanings. On the one hand, words have a meaning, that is, the sign that represents them expresses a certain semantic content. In this sense, a symbol or an image also has a meaning, since they communicate a message or an idea.

Thus, in the context of communication there are three elements related to any linguistic sign: the signifier is the symbol of language, the meaning its content and the correspondence between the two would be its significance. On the other hand, the meaning also refers to the meaning of a sentence, a text or a message.

Linguistics is the discipline that studies significance in human communication. From the perspective of this discipline, it is possible to speak of effectiveness in a message when there is a correspondence between a concept and its reference in reality.

Understanding the meaning of things

Linguists and philosophers of all ages have reflected on significance and its role in communication. There is general agreement on an idea: we need to find meaning in everything around us. In this way, what surrounds us, what we feel and what we think becomes words with meaning. Even elements other than words also have a meaning (for example, a gesture, an image or a conventional signal). However, for something to make sense it must be translated into words for it to acquire authentic meaning.

We therefore need to find a meaning. Not only to understand and communicate but also in a deeper sense, which philosophically is understood by the meaning of life. We therefore have the urge and the need to find a reason for being and this idea is applicable to life itself, to our actions and, ultimately, to existence.

The problem of meaning

From a linguistic approach, the problem of meaning lies in the relationship between words and reality. In philosophy the problem of meaning presents different alternatives.

1) There is something transcendent that gives meaning to life (for example, God).

2) Life does not have a meaning and, consequently, we simply exist and 3) In the absence of a meaning, the human being encounters a possible existential void.

In any case, the problem of meaning is subject to a permanent debate where different

Philosophical theories attempt to give a rational explanation of significance.

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