
definition of organic compounds

The organic compound or also called organic molecule is a chemical substance that is composed of the chemical element carbon and that forms bonds such as: carbon and carbon and carbon and hydrogen. It is worth noting that they also contain other chemical elements such as: oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, boron, sulfur, among others. Meanwhile, the salient and common characteristic of these compounds is that they can be burned and burn, that is, they are combustible compounds.

While most organic compounds are obtained artificially after chemical synthesis, some others can be extracted from natural sources.

So, the organic compounds could be: natural (those synthesized by living beings (biomolecules) or artificial (Substances that do not exist in our nature and that for example have been produced or synthesized by man, one of the classic examples is plastic).

Here we will refer to some of the most popular organic compounds ...

Carbohydrates they are made up mostly of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. They are also known as sugars and have a huge presence in vegetation, such is the case of starch, fructose, and cellulose and also in the animal kingdom, manifested in glycogen and glucose. In as much and according to the polymerization they are divided into: monosaccharides, polysaccharides, disaccharides and trisaccharides.

For its part, lipidsThey are mostly biomolecules consisting of carbon and hydrogen and less oxygen. They are especially characterized by being insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents such as chloroform or benzine. These fulfill different and important functions in living beings, such is the case of being the energy reserve and regulation.

In the meantime, proteins they are hyper-important molecules in living beings that make up the animal kingdom. Spider silk and collagen are the most prominent.

On the opposite side are the inorganic compounds They differ mainly because they do not contain hydrogen bonded carbon.

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