
definition of magnetism

According to the use that is given to it, the word magnetism may refer various questions.

Physics: phenomenon by which some materials exert attractive or repulsive forces on others

At the behest of Physics, magnetism is called that physical phenomenon by which materials exert forces, either attraction or repulsion, on other materials with which they interact. All materials, some to a greater degree and others to a lesser degree, have been influenced by a magnetic field, while materials well known to all of us such as nickel, iron, cobalt and their corresponding alloys called magnets have detectable magnetic properties.

Opposites attract and similes repel

The force that operates from the various elements present on earth, made up of opposite poles, are those that allow magnetic action. The attraction will occur in those opposite poles that attract each other while those that have similar charges repel each other.

Although, also, magnetism keeps other types of manifestations within Physics, especially as one of the two components of the electromagnetic wave, such as light.

The incidence of magnetism in our daily life

Although we are rarely aware of it, the truth is that magnetism is a matter that is very close to our daily actions. A credit and debit card work through the magnetic strips they have, so they can be conveniently read by the machine and allow us to pay for goods and services. Mobile telephony also needs magnetism to function accordingly.

The planet we live on also acts like a giant magnet and the rest of the surrounding planets are highly dependent on magnetic action.

How does magnetism work?

Magnetism consists of the following, each electron, by its nature is a small magnet, commonly a large number of electrons made up of a certain material are randomly oriented in different directions, while in a magnet, all electrons will tend to be oriented towards the same direction, generating a significant magnetic force. One issue to take into account is that the magnetic behavior of a material will always depend on the material structure it has and its electronic configuration..

Magnets are used a lot in our daily lives, in door closings, furniture, so that they are precisely closed, in toys, on special blackboards, among others. At the ends of the magnetized bodies the power of attraction is much higher than the rest of the body.

Origin of the term and its study in Greece

Magnetism gained importance and attention in Ancient Greece and was the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus the first to study the phenomenon of magnetism.

And Greece also has a lot to do with the denomination of the concept since its name comes from the Greek city of Magnesia, near Miletus, where the attraction phenomena generated by natural magnets were observed for the first time.

Also, the part of Physics that deals with studying the aforementioned topics is known as magnetism.

On the other hand, the term magnetism is used to refer to the magnet attraction force.

Attraction held by a person

And in common, everyday language, the term magnetism is often used to account for the power of attraction, call, among others, that one person exerts on another..

"The magnetism displayed by the new pastor of the Church has been decisive in increasing the flow of new followers who have been incorporated after his arrival."

People can attract others by various qualities and characteristics they possess, style, physical attractiveness or beauty, power, authority, among the main ones.

Most of the individuals who become leaders and idols of the masses meet several of these characteristics, even those people who do not present these qualities are usually discarded because it is considered that they will not be able to aspire to spaces of power or notoriety if they are. at least some do not have them.

For example, magnetism is considered a positive condition to possess. It is considered that it opens doors, roads and positions those who have it much better.

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