
definition of leisure

It is known as Leisure, although many also tend to call it free time, all those activities that, with the freedom of choice and opportunities that particular cases entail, are not linked to any type of formal work and are carried out by people, in precisely the free time that you have left after you have done your job.

Although and generally, these, for the most part, are more related to sports physical activities, such as soccer, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, also carrying out cultural activities such as going to the movies, reading a book, watching a play, meeting with a group of friends or simply lying on the bed to rest and watch TV, they can also be considered options to deploy during our leisure time.

Likewise, leisure has certain temporary moments to "show its vice", since for example this usually develops during times when people do not have to work or study. That is why on weekends and weekdays, at different times after six o'clock in the afternoon, they are generally chosen to carry out these activities that I mentioned earlier. But of course, this taking into account the situations of those who only work in what would be considered a normal routine, such as Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

It is interesting to remember that many people have chosen to abandon the hour dedicated to lunch in their routine work rhythm, replacing it with a frugal intake and enjoying leisure during that short time of weekly noon. Indeed, especially for those who work in busy urban areas, a few minutes can become a source of walks, short tours, admiration of exhibitions or other actions in which leisure is the undisputed protagonist.

Leisure was born as a consequence of the human being's need to be able to spread out and display other types of concerns in those moments in which he is not working, that is to say, plain and simple, the end of leisure is something like resting from work.

It is more than studied and proven that man needs a time of relaxation and cultivation of his personal issues in order to get rid of the problems that commonly result from the exercise of a profession or work. Without going any further, today, we are witnesses of the tremendous consequences that a person can cause not to rest or to have time for him or her; stress is the best reflection of the lack of this leisure time that a human being also needs to live. For the more scientific scholars, it is noted that most of the higher mammals enjoy moments of leisure, in which they are usually limited to rest or, in the case of gregarious animals, to "learning" through play. This would show that leisure is a recreational resource from which different animals manage to extract benefits. The so-called "creative leisure" would thus have its origin in nature itself. However, it is impossible not to recognize that human beings, in their social complexity, have incorporated non-playful components to leisure; thus, art would be a direct consequence of that free time, both in terms of the creation of the works and the possibility of enjoying the contents designed by other people. Therefore, if we ask ourselves if leisure is an exclusive quality of human beings, we must, without a doubt, answer for the negative; However, if we ask ourselves if people's leisure differs from that of other species, clearly our answer will be that our leisure is exclusive, our own and different, as it does to our condition as human beings.

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