
definition of approach

Approach comes from raising, which means exposing an idea. In an everyday sense we say that we want to know what someone's approach to a problem is, which means that we are curious about their main idea.

There are different uses of the word approach. One is the main idea on an issue. It also means strategy. An example may be helpful in this case. A football coach explains before the game to the players of his team what is his approach to the match that is going to be played. With few words and ideas, he conveys a message. If he says "I want you all to defend the goal", the coach is providing a defensive approach. From his words, the players already know how to play. Another of the most frequent uses of the term is related to problems in general. An individual is faced with a problem of a certain complexity. First he tries to understand it as well as possible and finally makes an explanation of it. At that moment the approach, the vision of the problem is presented. If there is no correct approach to a problem, it is impossible to find a solution.

In the literary vocabulary, specifically in the world of theater, the word approach is used as the first element of the structure of classical theater works. First there is an approach to the topic (the general idea so that the viewer understands the argument). Then the knot appears (the initial idea develops) and, finally, the denouement (the moment of conclusion, in which the end of the action that is counted is communicated).

In philosophy and science it is necessary to use a very precise idea of ​​the concept of approach. Before an ethical reflection (to give an example in the field of philosophy), on a social problem, it is necessary to define the main coordinates of the analysis to be carried out. Similarly, medical researchers first have to perform tests that serve as the basis for making a diagnosis, that is, an approach that defines the subsequent curative strategy.

If an approach has some incorrect element or a flaw, the approach is said to be absurd or illogical or wrong. There is specifically a branch of philosophy, logic, where the structure of words and ideas is studied and, basically, the validity of the approaches is analyzed from a rational point of view.

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