
definition of meat

The word meat is used to designate the tissue of animal origin, both human and non-human (although in most cases it refers to non-human origin). The term meat is always linked to the food that man or some other animal that is, precisely, carnivorous, can resort to. Meat is mainly made up of muscle tissue, although part of it can also be considered fat, which is used for flavor and more smoothness. Meat is also one of the main elements of human nutrition and can be found in different forms and types.

Meat is a popular food item for a number of reasons. First of all, it is a food rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can hardly be supplanted by those of vegetables. At the same time, the meat is much tastier due to its fat content. Typically, the most common types of meat are beef, chicken, and fish. Depending on the region and the preferences of each community, you can also find rabbit, deer, hare, sheep, goat, pig meat and other wild animals.

The appearance of the meat can vary depending on the type we are talking about. The most common classification (white and red meat) has to do with the color that the specific meat has: while beef, deer or buffalo meat are red due to their strong color, chicken or fish are white meat. in some cases almost transparent.

The use of meat in today's human diet is in great doubt today due to health, ethical and economic issues. It is considered that in addition to being cruel, the consumption of animal meat can generate a greater tendency to develop diseases such as obesity or high cholesterol. At the same time, it is estimated that livestock production has a lot to do with the devastation of forests and with the pollution of the environment due to the products that are added to the meat to keep it in better condition.

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