
definition of posture

Postureo is a term born in the environment of social networks that means adopting an attitude towards the outside that tries to convince others that you belong to a higher social status than the true one, or that you enjoy a much more exciting life and fun than you actually have.

The posture is therefore a desire to reflect, in a graphic and public way, an existence full of exciting experiences or moments to remember, even when it is not real.

The term postureo still does not have a specific definition in the dictionary of the Spanish language, but like so many other terms born with the new technologies, its incorporation in future versions is already being studied.

Birth of the term Postureo

The term posture was born as a result of the generalization of the use of social networks and the ability to share images of users. Thus, after a while, it begins to be detected that many users share photos with famous people through their profiles, either taken in exotic or luxurious places, which suggest a successful and fun-filled life.

Given that the number of people capable of actually leading a life of these characteristics is much lower than that reflected in social networks, it is beginning to become aware that there is a tendency for some users to use these platforms to project from facing the exterior a type of life that does not correspond to what they really live.

It is then that the word "posture" begins to appear, which tries to summarize in one term said attitude of passing off as natural or everyday a moment that is not, and which is graphically collected with the sole intention of sharing it and thus making believe the others who enjoy a social or economic status superior to the real one.

The pretense of looking "cool" is what lies behind the pose. Thus, taking photographs regularly and constantly in emblematic places, or with famous personalities and sharing them on these social platforms are examples of posturing.

Photos: iStock - Todor Tsvetkov / Mixmike

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