
definition of superhero

A superhero is a character that belongs to the world of fiction. He is part of the comic and science fiction genre and his adventures have been made into film and television.

The superhero is a character who lives a series of events, which are framed in different historical contexts, although the action takes place in today's world.

A quality that sets it apart

Its main characteristic consists of having some superior power, that is, a capacity above normal in some sense (some fly, others have immense strength or a strange power). The extraordinary ability they possess has, in general, a special origin (a genetic mutation is the most common phenomenon and appears in Spiderman or Wolverine, although the causes that explain their superhuman capacity are very diverse).

Although superheroes appeared in the United States in the comics in the 1930s (for example, Superman or Batman) there are historical precedents: the heroes of mythology, the great warriors, the Olympians of ancient Greece, the Norse sagas and some literary characters from the 19th and 20th centuries (Sandokan, Zorro, Ivanhoe and many others).

The superhero is a character that especially attracts children because he is someone intrepid, brave, who overcomes all kinds of dangers and wears attractive clothing.

A superhero archetype

Each superhero has his own personal story, a special power, and a dangerous enemy. However, there are common features in most cases, so it is possible to make a general portrait of these fictional characters.

Most are strong young men (Wonder Woman is one of the few women). In addition to its exceptional conditions, it also has a deep sense of duty and responsibility. In fact, almost all of them fight against evil or injustice in the world. A curious aspect in the superhero is the fact of presenting some weakness, a weak point (they have doubts, they are in love, they feel lonely or misunderstood). His human weaknesses make him someone closer. In other words, he is someone who is above others and at the same time is as human as anyone else.

The question of his identity is quite curious. In general terms, the superhero leads a double life (that of any normal individual and his dimension as a fighter against injustice).

The message of the stories

It is evident that the adventure, science fiction and the personality of the superhero are the main axes of his stories. Despite this, behind the narrative there is an indisputable ethical message: evil exists and must be fought. In the confrontation between good and evil, good is victorious because the superhero has intervened.

In the stories of these heroes we remember that we have two paths in life: that of good and evil. The first is a hard and difficult road, but it is worth it. The path of evil may be attractive in some sense, but it is the wrong choice and deserves punishment (the superhero is the vigilante who destroys evil in the world).

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