
pioneer - definition, concept and what it is

A pioneer is a discoverer, someone who can see potential opportunities and make the most of them, an innovator who is willing to try new things. People with these characteristics are not afraid to push the limits to advance a cause, carry out an idea or break a record. They are men and women who have been successful in their field, sometimes by overcoming great challenges.

When talking about pioneers, we can refer to different people throughout history, but perhaps the most representative case is that of the actual pioneers who crossed the plains and mountains of the western United States in the 1800s in looking for freedom and new opportunities in the West. Of course, we can also talk about all those inventors to whom we owe many of the advances we have today, such as the Mexican Guillermo González Camarena, who is credited with developing color television, or the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. , among many others.

If we analyze the most significant traits of those people who have been innovative, we can say that they all share the following qualities

1. They are risk takers:

Risk is normative for the life of a pioneer. This does not mean literally putting yourself in mortal danger, but rather daring to step into the unknown, knowing that you may be judged by others or that things may not turn out as you expect. Taking risks doesn't mean not feeling fear, it means facing it and getting over it as you move out of your comfort zone. You know things may not turn out the way you expect them, but you are willing to venture out and learn in the process.

2. They have a results-oriented vision:

The result will be worth more to them than whatever sacrifice it takes to get there. They know that without that motivation it will be difficult to start the journey and endure the difficulties that arise.

3. Always look forward:

When a pioneer begins his journey to a better future, he makes the decision not to look back. Develop a proactive mindset and never anchor in the past; he learns from it and treasures moments, but is aware that to move forward he needs to travel light, therefore he does not take old burdens with him.

4. They know that their sacrifice will transform someone else's life:

The main objective of a pioneer is to impact others and this is his greatest motivation. The journey can be filled with emotional and mental challenges that can be daunting, but knowing that your effort will help improve the lives of others will give you the hope and stamina you need to continue.

Stories of perseverance from pioneering men and women at a certain point in history are a great source of inspiration and help us put our own struggles in perspective.

Photos: iStock - HaywireMedia / mediaphotos

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