
definition of slope

At the behest of the geomorphology, a slope, it will be that place in decline through which water runs. Normally, the slope appears as a inclined surface that lies between much higher points, such is the case of tops, peaks or ridges, or failing that, also in lowest points that she, how to be: foot of slopes or troughs.

As a consequence of the action of erosion and the rocky characteristics of the terrain in question, the slope will show different profiles, either regular or irregular, that is, with a slope breaking. Likewise, the vegetation, the surface, the unevenness, the exposure to the sun and the height will determine the slope.

The valleys, located mostly between mountains, they usually have springs and then it is common for rivers and streams to flow through the corresponding springs and thus become an immeasurable source of water for the living beings that inhabit the area and that need water to survive.

On your side, the catchment area, also known as watershed, is a set of slopes that flow through the same element, be it a river, a lake or the sea. Meanwhile, this type of basin is usually divided into three sections: upper basin (here the river or water source in question is born), middle basin (in this part the equilibrium between solid material and water occurs) and lower basin (The material that was taken from the upper basin is deposited in the dejection cone).

Meanwhile, the set of watersheds, just mentioned and that drain into the same sea, are called hydrographic slope.

Another use of the term allows to account for each of the sloping planes of a roof.

And also, in popular language, when aspect or point of view from which a topic or situation can be analyzed they are called the slope. If we do not analyze all the aspects that come together in this business, we will not be able to achieve the success we want.

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