
definition of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is the attitude of faking certain ideas, feelings, or qualities that are absolutely contrary to those that are actually felt, had, or thought.

The term comes from the Greek (hypokrisis), which means to pretend or act out a response and it is precisely in Greek culture, in the artistic field of theater, where it was used a lot to refer to the actor, who normally wore a mask or a costume to play a character and thus make the difference between fiction and reality.

It is very common, for example, among people who observe this type of attitude, that they promote situations or promulgate ideas, which they cannot support with a good exampleThis is precisely a case that is seen a lot within the field of politics, in those officials who fill their mouths talking about the common good, the neighbor, etc. and on the other hand, they implement measures or policies that bring little benefit to others, or to the common interest of society.

However, beyond the fact that hypocrisy today is too closely related to ideas or opinions, it is also valid when feelings or personal qualities do not correspond to what we really do. To say that I am skilled at such a task, when in reality I will never be able to achieve good results, is also a form of hypocrisy. Although as we said, we are more used to relating hypocrisy when a person X says he thinks this or that thing, and in reality, he thinks something very different, or at least, that does not fully correspond to that which he has just expressed.

Although there is no classification regarding those who observe hypocrisy in their behavior, a somewhat capricious differentiation can be made, but it makes a difference in the end. There is the one who lives 24 hours a day in an absolutely hypocritical way, saying and doing everything that he detests or criticizes, or the one who, due to certain situations, is forced to assume a hypocritical attitude. In the latter case, we could frame those people who, for reasons of force majeure, for example, to defend a job perhaps, are seen forced to defend situations or ideas that do not coincide with the values ​​they have always defended.

These people are called, in popular jargon, "mercenaries" for this, precisely, of pretending or hiding their true thoughts, opinions or attitudes in exchange for obtaining a profit of social recognition, or in the case of work, an economic benefit. But, we must bear in mind that, in this situation, this type of "hypocrite" usually experiences a very great psychological pressure, precisely because that way of behavior is not within their desires, and they must behave in this way to maintain their position. Very different is the case of the “24-hour hypocrite”, who, far from experiencing pressure or guilt for his attitude, feels satisfied with behaving in this way, since he understands it as a way of breaking through among others, he understands it as a Survival "strategy" within the logic of today's world.

The truth is that it is almost impossible to think of the human being without hypocrisy. Undoubtedly, this concept is typical of the human being and the fact that we are finite beings absolutely malleable, contradictory and influenced by different external agents, makes us prone to falling into it. The important thing, I believe, lies in knowing how to live a life that is not dominated by it.

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