
definition of indiscipline

The term indiscipline implies the lack of discipline, that is, the complete absence of a behavior considered normal and expected within the context in which it occurs. For example, at the urging of a class at school, an untimely stopping by a student and insulting his teacher will be considered a serious act or behavior of indiscipline.

Or, for example, in the army, when a member of the force does not respect any of the regulations in force, such as rejoining scheduled tasks at a certain time, they will be severely punished or reprimanded for not having observed the same and therefore they will be considered an act of indiscipline.

Meanwhile, by discipline, the concept that is directly opposed to that of indiscipline, refers to the knowledge and instruction of an individual with regard to morals and good manners in the fields in which they interact.

For its part, the school discipline, one of the contexts in which, together with the military, mostly, there is talk of both discipline and indiscipline, as appropriate to the actions of individuals, turns out to be the commitment that both teachers and students have to strictly observe the current code of conduct, which is normally referred to as school regulations. From the same, the actions that are considered tolerable in behavior and of course, also those that are not, will emerge, among them: the clothing with which the students must go to class; the times of entry, exit, return from recess and the beginning of each class; the ethical norms inherent in the qualifications, instruction and values ​​that are promoted; and student-teacher and student-student interaction.

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