
example definition

An example is a case or sample that is used to demonstrate a hypothesis or assertion, or to use as a reference.

An example or sample is a representative model of a variety or majority, which is often used as a reference for something that is of a certain way and that should either be imitated or avoided. Examples are used in all walks of life and are often more tangible or obvious representations of a theoretical explanation.

A common use of examples is in teaching. In the learning of biological, mathematical, social sciences or of all kinds, the examples are fundamental for the understanding of the contents. For example, if it is a grammar and syntax class, the use of model sentences to exemplify will be useful so that the child understands the concepts taught. Or, to detail the details of a historical artistic period, the teacher uses examples of paintings produced at the time in order to point out the characteristics of a particular movement.

In a statistical investigation, by case, a sample or example of a portion of cases can be extracted to graph the results obtained and account for the conclusions reached.

In scientific research, to cite another modality, examples are used to prove hypotheses. As can be the case of the repetition of a climatic phenomenon in the same geographical setting, it can be used as an example to affirm that it is probable that this same phenomenon will be repeated in the future.

To visually represent the operation of image editing or other programs, examples of images that have been retouched can be used for the purpose of establishing a "before and after" comparison.

A very common phrase is "lead by example" or "follow the example". This refers to the importance of showing what one says or recommends with facts, so that the individuals who are the recipients of our suggestion or opinion can perceive and identify with the mandate received.

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