
definition of eloquent

The term eloquent is used as an adjective to qualify people or situations that demonstrate eloquence and that, in this way, are clear about the meaning they seek to convey. Eloquence is a quality that some people have (although it can also be possessed by images or sounds or different communicational acts) that is based on the ease of transmitting a meaning or an idea, perhaps without the need to speak. The idea that something is eloquent generally means that it speaks for itself and does not need further explanation.

Eloquence is a quality that not all individuals possess. It has to do with several elements that come together at the same time: on the one hand, the ability to have clear ideas and thoughts. At the same time, it is important to know how to express them clearly, concisely and effectively so that those who eventually act as audiences can understand them. Finally, eloquence always requires the use of appropriate language according to the situation and the event that takes place since it is not the same to use formal or informal language in all situations.

When we speak of an eloquent person, we are referring to those people who know how to express what they think in an attractive and clear way. Thus, eloquence is today one of the most important characteristics for politicians since it allows them to attract larger amounts of public. To a large extent, eloquence also has to do with the ability to discreetly and effectively persuade those who are audiences or audiences.

However, eloquence is not only present in the written and spoken language but also in the body, through gestures, symbols, body postures and facial expressions, which often denote much more than what what the words say.

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