
definition of verification

Verification is an action that someone carries out with the mission of verifying that something or someone is authentic or that they say and represent the truth.

Countless things, objects and even people are plausible to undergo a verification process.

In the case of people, it is usual that before entering a large public or private building they are asked to verify their identity, generally through passwords, fingerprints, among other modalities in this regard.

Some objects or luxury goods, such as signed jewelery, watches, furniture and clothing, are usually verified before being acquired by a private individual or by an auction company and then resold or auctioned, precisely to highlight the particular value that it holds for being a limited piece by an author or for the original signature that it carries.

This work is carried out by experts in the field, not always whoever acquires or resells antiques knows the value of all the pieces that they buy and that is why when an important piece arises from which they are in doubt, a specialist is called to endorse or deny its value.

Because of course, in the verification of its authenticity or it will not be the reseller's business.

And the same happens if it is an individual who acquires it, he will want to determine with certainty and without doubts if the piece that he acquires is one hundred percent real.

But verification is present in many contexts and areas as we have already pointed out and where it is also common to find it is in the scientific investigation, since the verification of a fact at the request of this type of investigation turns out to be an impossible step to ignore if you want to prove or disprove a theory.

Cars that circulate in the usual traffic of a city and construction sites are also likely to receive a special verification to ensure that both cars and buildings enjoy a satisfactory operation that in no way endangers the citizenry.

On the other hand, the concept is used to show that the prediction that a person made in a timely manner was fulfilled. The rise in the dollar implies the verification of the comments made by the channel 13 journalist.

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