
definition of reification

The world is made up of things and living beings. One thing is an inert entity, however, human beings can also make the mistake of objectifying people. That is, to treat others as objects. This is the case, for example, in friendship of utility. The one in which the friend only seeks his own interest. Objectifying people means going against the very essence of the human being, stripping the person of their own dignity.

Objectify a woman

On the human level, special concern produces the objectification of women who do machismo. In other words, the violation of women's rights is a form of objectification. The objectification of women is carried out, for example, when the physique of a person is mainly valued, that is, when the way of being of someone is judged based on stereotypes and previous judgments. That is, valuing women for their beauty rather than their intelligence is a form of objectification. One of the reasons why the feminist collective criticizes beauty pageants.

In fact, this habitual use of labels is a reductionist way of classifying men and women within certain parameters.

The language itself helps us to visualize how women can be reified. For example, there are still those who consider that he has the role of taking the initiative in the conquest, while she assumes the position of object of desire. The term itself reflects this form of reification.

What happens when a person feels treated like an object? That he suffers because his feelings and emotions have not been taken into account. That is, they consider that they have been treated unfairly without any kind of empathy. This is what happens when someone feels treated like an object, that is, without any kind of sensitivity.

Love that is confused with possession also gives rise to forms of relationship in which the partner is objectified. By manipulating or blackmailing someone we are also objectifying them since we are not respecting their freedom. This is the quality that differentiates the human being from inert beings.

Objectify a pet

It is also possible to reify animals. This is the case, for example, when a pet is turned into a form of gift. An animal is a living being that has rights. For this reason, adopting a dog is a decision that must be made with the responsibility of knowing that an animal is not a toy.

Photos: Fotolia - Nuvolanevicata

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