
definition of links

The word nexus (or its plural, nexos) is a word that means union or combination between two parts that would normally be separated. The link can be something metaphorical or abstract such as a friendship that unites two people in their social relationships, as well as something material and explicit, for example a chain or rope, for example when an animal is walked and a rope or rope is required. strap not to lose it. However, the term nexos is mostly used at the grammatical level to refer to the words or concepts that serve to unite ideas and thus coordinate several words in a sentence. Usually, the grammatical links are short words although there are also phrases composed of more than one word.

In grammar it is always very important that the ideas to be expressed are expressed correctly in writing or orally so that their meaning can be easily and appropriately understood. So it is that endless words or combinations of words (phrases) arise that serve as links of ideas or concepts and that are very important to give the idea the appropriate meaning. Without the links, the meaning of the idea or sentence could be completely altered or even disappear, making expressions meaningless.

Some of the links that are used the most, almost without realizing their function, are the letters like and, and, or, or. All of them are used for the enumeration of elements, for example when it is said "the dog and the cat", "Javier or Esteban", and so on.

The links are given a denominative name according to the function they fulfill: they can be copulative when they involve the sum of elements, for example "the dog and the cat. "There are also dilemmas when they suppose two different things from each other" the soda or the wine ". Explanatory, those who seek to re-explain the idea, for example" that is "," this is "," means ". The adversaries, those who change the meaning of the idea as" but "," however ".

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