
definition of submission

Submission is a attitude, a behavior that a person can develop and that implies submission, subordination and compliance at every level and sense to another person or group and that normally results from that individual being on a lower step or height, or failing that because of being threatened or having suffered some type of violent attack that triggers that submission.

So, in the first case that we enunciate lines above, submission would be the consequence of occupying a place, a position of less importance in an organization, for example, in a company, in a political association, among others. For example, those who find themselves in this situation accept without restrictions or contradictions those who are authorities. Obviously they do it because they respect that level dynamic and they also do it most of the time because they fear that otherwise they may suffer some type of retaliation, such as being removed or fired from their position, among others.

Subsequently, submission could be the result of an interpersonal relationship in which one party submits to the other, achieving compliance. In these cases, submission is usually achieved through threat, physical violence, psychological intimidation, among other alternatives.

Generally, those with weaker character tend to be more permeable to this type of action.

On the other hand, in the field of right, Submission is taken as that act by which someone submits to another jurisdiction, losing or renouncing by case the domicile or jurisdiction they had. That is, it ends up accepting the proposal that the other party intends

And finally, in the sexual context is where this concept is also used a lot to refer to a This is precisely a sexual practice that consists of one of the components of the couple submitting the other and the latter ends up accepting everything that the dominator proposes, including physically intensive acts. This relationship of dominator and dominated is what generates fantasies and eroticism in the participants.

The sadomasochism it is one of the most virulent manifestations of submission in this sense.

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