
definition of mitigate

Something needs to be moderated through an object or by the action of someone specific in the matter

The term mitigate we generally use it when we want to refer to something, an issue, a certain situation, that need to be moderated, appeased or softened, either through some object or thing in particular, or by the action of someone specific in the subject, for example, a doctor.

Let's think about a disease that afflicts us, a strong flu that has us in bed, with fever, sneezing, and a general malaise, to feel better and that all these symptoms are moderated until they disappear it will be necessary that we consult a doctor, the ideal professional in this case, and then, knowing the picture, he can prescribe the best remedy to reduce the aforementioned symptoms.

On the other hand, when a person gets out of control because of something that happened to him, something unexpected, such is the case of an assault on the street while he was traveling, he will surely demand the action of someone who knows how to mitigate that tremendous shock and fright caused by the assault. . A psychologist will be a good resource in this sense of mitigating the panic that can leave a person going through a violent episode such as robbery.

Decrease or reduction of something

Also, when you want to refer decrease or reduction of something it is recurrent that people use the word mitigate. For example, "it will be vital that we mitigate the company's expenses for the next semester, otherwise we will find ourselves in a complicated financial situation that is difficult to overcome."

How to mitigate the pain of the soul and the physical?

Meanwhile and without a doubt, it is pain, that unpleasant physical sensation or in its spiritual defect, which always implies suffering, in other words, the issue that individuals most frequently seek and wish to mitigate. Physical pain is experienced by most living beings that have a central nervous system, it can vary in intensity, more acute, less acute, but always and never, the pain can produce a pleasant sensation in those who suffer it. .

This pain will be captured by the nerve terminals, which will convert it into electrical impulses that reach the brain through neurotransmitters, registering it in a totally conscious way and in a hundred percent. Although not all people perceive pain in the same way, for some a stomach ache can be a simple annoyance, on the other hand, for others it can mean and report a generalized state of decay.

For this reason, it is that individuals face pain, be it headaches, stomach, legs, neck pain, among others, They go to the doctor so that he can prescribe some treatment or drug to help them mitigate those annoying pains.

Also and on a par with the physical ones, the pains of the soul and the spirit, are those that most afflict people, those that generate the most negative consequences in their daily activities and that, like others, should also be treated to avoid generalized discomforts such as it may be depression.

In these cases, a psychotherapist who provides the patient with psychotherapy and if necessary the accompaniment of a drug, is the way to mitigate these problems.

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