
definition of public-private school

We begin by explaining the Public School. In this regard, the concept of public service has to come to mind automatically. Thus, public school is a public service insofar as it is a service offered by the state free of charge and universally (for all school-age children). The gratuitousness of this service is possible thanks to the taxes collected by the state for the maintenance of the services to the community.

Most states offer this opportunity for any child to go to school, in relation to a basic principle common to many states: equal opportunity. This implies that any child of any social stratum in any region of a country will have the same opportunities to have a prosperous future as another child in another situation.

Schools are raised in different ways as is done for example in the US and Europe, however most public schools have common characteristics such as teaching the values ​​of a nation: freedom, equality, fraternity ...

Due to their condition of public service, these schools have to offer an education directly stipulated by the state, in this way, the states create teaching plans or education laws to which all public schools must abide and follow the pre-established norms. .

Private school

In contrast to public schools, we find private schools, these schools are not part of the public services of a state and become part of a teaching given by a private for-profit entity

Unlike public schools, private schools are not free for the mere fact that the main objective of a company is to make money; Private schools do not have a universal character, since they are aimed at that group that does not want to have a public school and neither do they have to represent specific values, since from the point of view of a private company they have the right to impart values ​​such as the religious, military, elitists ...

Although private schools can choose in some way the type of education they impart to their students, the state stipulates some standards of quality of education that the private school has to obey, so for example at the end of the school stage, all the Students without distinction between private or public school pass an exam that will allow them to go to university, in this way it is guaranteed that in private schools common margins with the public school are respected.

Photos: Fotolia - Aleutie / Sergio Hayashi

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