
definition of moral dilemma

The word dilemma can refer to that dilemma and obligation that can be presented to a person and that implies that they must decide between two options, with all the issues that underlie this, which may be having to choose two questions or alternatives that are similar and beneficial ...

Dilemma that is presented to someone between two alternatives, which lead them to choose one but usually implies the beginning of new conflicts

And also a dilemma defines that argument that is made up of two opposing propositions, so that negative or positive, whichever of them, will demonstrate what it is trying to prove.

Meanwhile, a Moral dilemma is a short narrative but presented as a story, in which a possible situation of occurrence in everyday reality is posed but which turns out to be conflictive from the moral point of viewTherefore, therefore, the listeners or viewers of the same will be asked to provide, either a reasoned solution to the situation, or failing that, an analysis of the solution chosen by the individual protagonist of the conflictive story.

Almost like a maxim, the situation will be presented as a disjunctive choice, because the protagonist is faced with a very important decision to make, before which there are only several possible solutions, which will conflict with each other, that is, if he chooses A and not B, or if C is chosen instead of A and B. The protagonist finds himself facing an absolute and inevitable conflictive situation.

Normally in moral dilemmas, any decision that is decided to take to avoid an evil for example, will generate other conflicts at the same time.

This issue has been present in the conscious and unconscious of the human being since time immemorial, while over the years, progress and evolution in various fields has developed the various ethical guidelines that assist professionals in an area, for example, in the moral dilemma that can be aroused in the face of an issue.

Of course, the ability to resolve and elucidate these dilemmas will speak of the resolution capacity of the person who suffers them and also of their wisdom.

Not all people have the ability to do it, so in those who do have this inclination it is usually taken as a great condition in their favor.


For example, a moral dilemma will arise if the following situation occurs ... at school recess, a friend of ours breaks the glass in the teachers' room, after the event and without anyone being responsible for the fact, the director of the The school brings us together to ask that we clarify the situation and that whoever was responsible admit his mistake, otherwise, the entire class will be punished ... if we confess to the principal that Juan did indeed break the glass, we will feel that we will be betraying him, But if we don't, we will all suffer a punishment that we don't deserve.

The moral dilemma turns out to be an excellent alternative when it comes to having to teach children the elaboration of an ethical criterion, at the same time that it turns out to be of great help in becoming aware of the hierarchy of values.

Types of moral dilemma

Meanwhile, there are two types of moral dilemmas, hypothetical moral dilemmas (They pose abstract problems that are hardly correlated in real life. They generally come from literature, the mass media, or the imagination itself; the main disadvantage they have is the lack of identification they suppose) and the real moral dilemmas (They present conflictive situations extracted from daily life and being based on real and close events, identification with them is favored, of course these turn out to be the most effective when it comes to having to carry out teachings like the ones we were talking about).

Although there is no concrete and successful formula when it comes to having to resolve a moral dilemma, we must say that the criterion that is usually applied in these situations is to choose the option that involves the lesser evil.

So selling a house in which despite being comfortable and wanting to stay, but we cannot pay because the maintenance costs of it have increased is the best alternative, that is, the lesser evil between losing the house due to debts and Selling it, with the pain that it generates, is the best.

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