
definition of plain

The term plain can be used both as a noun and as an adjective to name those spaces, situations, phenomena or people that are characterized by their simplicity in form and by the lack of relief or secrets. Specifically, we could describe the plain as a physical space without reliefs, of balanced height and extensive, this is precisely where the word plain comes from. The plain is the territory that is closest to sea level and that is usually extensive, almost infinite with views of the horizon.

The plain is then a concept that can be used as a noun to refer to this type of relief, which usually has low vegetation, but also as an adjective to characterize elements, situations or people that have characteristics similar to those that it has. the physical space of the plain.

Thus, when it is said that a person is flat, it can mean that it is simple, that it does not hide its feelings, that it is sensible and real, but it can also mean that it is very elementary and that it does not present any richness or particularity. A level person can also be approachable and easy to get to know quickly, both in a good way and in a bad way. Knowing how to differentiate which of the two senses is to be represented in each situation depends on the context.

The idea of ​​plain can also be used in different fields of research and work, for example in architecture, to indicate those spaces in the construction in which there is no type of decoration, or alteration and that it is a surface smooth and flat.

Finally, the concept of plain can also be used in different ways to indicate the lowest and most essential of something. For example, when we speak of the plain State as a concept for politics, we are referring to the most elementary and basic form of the State.

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