
definition of business

The term 'business' is used in the language to refer to elements or individuals that make up a company, as well as to characterize situations or moments that occur within the space of a company or company. In other words, everything that is proper or related to the company and the entrepreneurs, can be called and qualified through the word at hand.

The use of this qualifying adjective can be very diverse since the number of possibilities of applying it is infinite.

The company

To really know when the business term is usable, it is important to know what is meant by business. It is normally defined as a type of social organization that has been created to achieve certain objectives that, generally, have to do with obtaining profits or any other type of economic profit through its participation in a market in the which goods and services are transacted and precisely what that company produces. In order to function according to its objectives and purposes, the company will make use of productive factors such as: labor, capital and land.

Companies must always have some operating system in which functions, positions, hierarchies, work methodologies and other elements must be consigned in order for the obtaining of results to be effective.

Types of companies

There is a varied classification of companies based on some characteristic factors. Depending on the economic activity they carry out we met with: primary sector company (its resources come from the same nature, such is the case of agricultural and livestock), secondary sector (they specialize in the transformation of goods such as industrial and construction) and third sector (They offer services or are engaged in commerce).

Meanwhile, depending on your legal constitution: individual (They are those whose ownership corresponds to a single person), corporate (They are made up of several people).

And as regards the ownership of capital there are private (the capital of these is in the hands of private persons), the public ones (they have state control), mixed (there is a combination of capital, private and public) and self-management (They are characterized because the capital belongs to the workers).

In this sense, everything that happens within the space of a company can then be considered a phenomenon or a business element. For example, such an adjective can be applied to a meeting, to a group of managers, to an internal functioning system, to a project, to a specific element, to a type of behavior or attitude, to an internal dynamic to be respected among the employees or a type of objective to carry out.

Although at present the term company is naturally linked to professional and economic companies, we can also find companies whose purpose is to obtain solidarity results, as well as the grouping of individuals in pursuit of a common good for all of them. However, it is curious that the concept of 'business' is used almost exclusively in professional and work environments, linking it in most cases with spaces such as offices, studios, work organizations and others.

The Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur is the visible and most important head within a company, he takes care of establishing objectives, priorities, making strategic decisions that will allow to achieve the proposed goals. And he is the commercial and legal responsible for it.

It should be noted that the entrepreneur is one who occupies a very high managerial position, for example, the executive director, and the members of the board of directors, the shareholders, in the case of corporate companies, the owner of a company will also be called that way. multinational company, as well as the owner of a Small and Medium Company.

Now, it is important to note that an entrepreneur can perform various functions in the company: owner, shareholder, financier, manager, among others.

Business management

The administration of a company, that is, the process through which development is administered, planned, directed, organized, evaluated and controlled, is called business management.

Meanwhile, there are training courses in the matter, which are taught in universities and that precisely allow individuals interested in following this professional path or who have a company and want to run it efficiently, obtain the basic and necessary knowledge to carry out optimal management

Be careful, in the success of a company, it should be noted that it is also essential to have skill when designing business, and vision for the future, issues that of course are not taught in college.

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