
definition of naive

The word naive is the term we use recurrently to account for that individual who in his behavior does not present malice or ulterior motives and who is also quite innocent in terms of carrying out some mischief or fanfare.

Person who acts without malice and innocence and who exposes him to suffer deception

That is, the naive individual does not have any evil and usually accepts without complaint, even those most uncomfortable, grotesque and incredible situations, which in any other person can trigger revenge, anger or even a scream.

On the other hand, the naive does not have mischief, which implies the availability of cunning or skill, in which there is a certain degree of malice, and that allows someone to discover a deception, someone who lies to us, or to anticipate the facts of another , for example, keeping a good valued by many.

It should be noted that in the naive there is also a significant share of lack of experience in every sense, which precisely affects that innocence that will characterize them, because basically whoever does not know any issue will not have the knowledge, or the tools to deal with such issue loosely.

A naive person will soon believe any story, no matter how implausible it may be.

For example, it is that the person with this tendency is very easy to deceive; Whatever he is told, he will tend to believe it, without a doubt, and he will also trust whoever says it to him, because he does not appreciate the evil in the other.

Scammers and experts in deception often seek out the naive as prey for their misdeeds, in order to effectively achieve their goals and make a profit, because they know that it is very easy to convince them of anything.

Although the naive has no age, it is a characteristic that does not depend on it, we must say that it is a recurrent disposition to observe in children.

Because that inexperience of the little ones, given precisely by their young age that means that they have not lived many experiences as if adults have, predisposes them to naivety, to believe in everyone, and not to show evil in their actions.

Now, when in adulthood you continue to be naive like a child, it can be serious, dangerous, because as we already mentioned, you are easy prey to the malice of rogues.

In fiction, especially in soap operas, the presentation of the stereotype of the naive is very common, who are usually the protagonists of the story, who are characterized by their goodness and zero evil, an issue that leaves them exposed to the evils that they must endure from their antagonists.

The most traditional novels usually tell the story of the poor and naive girl, who must overcome a series of obstacles in life, plus what her adversaries put in history, and who always wins the love of the gallant.

Meanwhile, the word naive has a variety of synonyms, among which stand out those of innocent and gullible, that is to say, these two are the ones that we normally employ in the place of naive.

Difference between innocent and gullible

When someone is innocent It stands out especially for not presenting evil in its behavior and actions; an innocent person does not know what it is to hurt or offend someone.

In the meantime, the credulous He is the one who will believe any situation with great ease.

Now, although with both terms we can refer to the naivety that characterizes a person, the innocent one we use mostly to indicate the one who does not show evil in his action and we will speak of credulous when the person stands out for believing stories easily.

The word that directly opposes naive is malicious, which obviously proposes the opposite, that individual who has evil in his conduct.

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