
complement definition

When we speak of a complement, we are referring to all that element, object, individual or phenomenon that is characterized by joining another element to complete it and, where possible, improve it. The term complement comes from the verb complement, which is precisely the action of filling that space that is empty or improving what is not yet completely complete.

The term complement can be used in many different specific situations that have to do with the idea of ​​completing something that already exists with something else. While some of these meanings may be related to scientific issues, others may be human or social, artistic, etc.

One of the ways in which the term in question is used most often may be when talking about complementary colors. In this sense, the three basic colors (blue, red and yellow) are confronted with the three secondary colors (orange, green and violet respectively), thus converting the pairs of colors into complementary colors, that is, they complement each other. to others. Complementary colors are those that face each other on the color wheel.

The term complement can also be used in the field of grammar, in which case, the grammatical complement will be the word that is used to complete, clarify or specify another that is central, for example, as with transitive verbs ( 'I made a cake', 'I have a friend'). In both cases, the direct or indirect object that accompanies the verb is a complement of it.

Finally, you can also find medicinal supplements that can serve as optional accompaniments to certain treatments, such as some pills, foods or dietary supplements that aim to complete and improve the results of a medicinal process. Supplements of this type can in some cases become dangerous if one abuses them or if one does not consume them in the right way.

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