
definition of fear

The fear it's a feeling that we commonly experience humans and animals as well and that is characterized by the deployment of an action of flight, of distancing ourselves from that person, situation, or thing that awakens the feeling, because it is clearly considered as dangerous to life or the tranquility of the environment.

Feeling of humans and animals that encourages them to flee in the face of a situation perceived as a threat

So fear is a very unpleasant feeling and one very primary emotion that arises in the animal or person naturally, spontaneously, at the slightest perception of danger or damage.

Physical process that unleashes fear

There is a physical mechanism that triggers fear and it is found in our brain, in the reptilian.

Meanwhile, the brain tonsil controls emotions and takes care of their location.

When it perceives fear, it produces a response that can be to flee, paralyze or face it.

Likewise, fear produces immediate physical manifestations such as: increased blood pressure, increased blood glucose, the heart pumps more intensely and the eyes enlarge, among others.

As with all the emotions and feelings that human beings experience, fear is one of the most addressed psychology with the mission of explaining it, classifying it, finding its causes and also to reduce it in those cases in which its presence is recurrent and causes a real problem for the development of the person who suffers from it.

The explanation from various psychological theories

Sigmund Freud distinguished between two types of fears, the neurotic, which is one in which the intensity of the attack does not correspond to a real danger intensity, while in the royal fear the dimension of fear corresponds to the intensity of the threat.

Meanwhile, psychology, today, proposes, from the behaviorist current that fear is something that individuals have learned and, for example, we suffer from it.

And on the side of the deep psychology, fear is triggered by an unconscious conflict that has not been resolved.

When fear makes the psyche sick

Fear, although it is not a pleasant feeling, far from it, it is good to feel it because it is the way that people have to protect ourselves in the event of damage or harm, keeping ourselves alert about this, now, as we said, yes This fear is frequent and does not have a specific reason, it can become a serious problem and severely limit us in our development and daily activities, because it triggers stress, anguish, that is, that fear makes us sick.

Constant fear will make the person unable to fully enjoy his life because he will always be alert to suffering some damage, he will not relax and his mood will always be negatively affected.

There is a psychic pathology that is very frequent today and that is precisely associated with fear, the panic attack.

According to the description of the professionals, the panic attack consists of the sudden appearance of a crisis that combines anguish and a sudden fear, without a real reason.

Its presentation is untimely and usually surprises the person who suffers from it in some activity or action that he is developing, paralyzing him in that action.

Its duration is relatively short but its emotional impact is strong enough to leave the person who suffers it in a very vulnerable state.

Generally, that fear is accompanied by catastrophic ideas and the need to escape him, to flee from him.

And then that is precisely when the physical symptoms appear, very characteristic of these types of attacks, which consists of palpitations, excessive sweating, chest pain, for example it is often confused with some heart ailment, vertigo, dizziness, lack of air, feeling of depersonalization, fear of dying, going crazy, or losing control.

Like any other disorder of the psyche, it can be approached and treated by a professional psychologist or psychiatrist, who will surely suggest a cognitive therapy to be able to identify the cause that triggers the attack, and some medications can also be prescribed to lessen the physical symptoms.

It is advisable to always turn to a professional to be able to be diagnosed correctly and treat the problem.

On the other hand, also, the word fear expresses in our language a suspicion, the concern that damage is happening.

This concept has a wide variety of synonyms, also widely used when expressing feelings such as: fear and panic.

Meanwhile, the word that is opposed is that of value that refers to the courage that someone has.

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